A Cleaner Image offers wash and fold services for regular everyday laundry - anything that you don’t need pressed or that does not required dry cleaning - including items such as towels and sheets, anything that can fit into your laundry bag. One way to think about it is do you want your clothes to come back on hangers or not. If so, you should opt for dry cleaning.


Beware! We sort your laundry by color but we assume that if you put it in the green bag you want it washed and folded. Make sure you put your dry cleaning items into your yellow dry cleaning bag.

Laundry Subscription Service is a separate service from traditional services such as dry cleaning or cleaning of specialty fabrics. It includes regular everyday laundry or anything you wash at home.


While our traditional services are charged per piece, Laundry Service is billed as a monthly subscription which is based on how may laundry bags per week you'd like Red Hanger to wash, dry and fold for you. Of course, with free pick up and delivery.


NOTE: We sort your laundry by color but we assume that if you put it in the green bag you want it washed and folded.
Make sure you put your dry cleaning items into your yellow dry cleaning bag.

Each bag carries about 3 standard loads of laundry. If you have a small washing machine, this could be as many as 4 loads. If you have an extra large washing machine, this might be closer to one and a half loads. To decide how many laundry bags you need, consider the type of laundry your are washing. Sheets or towels take up more space than whites or colors.


Also, consider how many people we are washing for. 1 bag per week should be suitable for 1-2 people on a weekly basis. If you have family, consider 3 bags per week.

A Cleaner Image offers wash and fold services for anything that you don’t need to be pressed or that does not require dry cleaning.

Include items such as t-shirts, workout clothes, whites, brights, floor mats, towels, sheets, and anything that can fit into your laundry bag. One way to think about it is, do you want your clothes to come back on hangers or not? If not, throw it into your laundry bag!

Beware! We sort your laundry by color but we assume that if you put it in the green bag you want it washed and folded. Make sure you put your dry cleaning items into your yellow dry cleaning bag.

Our commercial grade technology disinfects and sanitizes your everyday laundry like nothing you can get at home.


We remove stains, oils, odors and germs while retaining color, shape, size, texture and all the other things you love about brand new clothes.

It is fast and easy and with a 3 day turn around, your couch, dinner table or bedroom floor will never be piled with laundry again!


Laundry Service is also a great gift for college students, the elderly, new mothers, bereavement periods and times of sickness. Need to send laundry service to a loved on or a friend? Create an account on their behalf here.

You are welcome to send your everyday wash dry fold laundry to us anytime.


However, laundry service and laundry subscription are different. Laundry subscription is on a recurring basis.